201 22nd Street SE, PO Box 1245 Hickory, North Carolina 28603

(828) 324-8448 info@reedscleaning.com


Reeds Cleaning is dedicated to the success and welfare of its employees. To better accommodate our satellite crew members, we have provided several commonly used resources below:

Employee-WeeklyTimesheet -Timesheets may be faxed, emailed or delivered in person. See details below.
Employee-DayshiftTimesheet please only use one per day or one per weekend!
Request for Time Off Form please note: these MUST be submitted to management no less than 10 days prior to first day of requested leave. *Requests for the week of July 4th and December 25th will not be accepted due to mass submissions*
SupplyOrderForm did you know?! You can fax or email your supply requests to be pre-filled for quicker pick up. Ask management for details.


Timesheets and other forms or requests may be faxed back to Reeds Management at 828-324-1297 or emailed to admin@reedscleaning.com. Please allow 24 hours for processing (excluding weekends). TIMESHEETS MUST ALWAYS BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN 8:00 AM TUESDAY MORNING OF EACH WEEK. In order for direct deposit to be processed in time to be received by Friday, and out of courtesy for our out-of-town employees, PAYROLL IS RUN ON TUESDAY MORNING. Timesheets received after this deadline will be rolled over to the next pay cycle- NO EXCEPTIONS.


Important Numbers:

Daily Call-In Line: 828-324-0251

To fax forms and timesheets: 828-324-1297

After 5:00pm, Manager On Duty (Monday-Friday): 828-514-9974

Emergencies/Weekend: 828-612-9971